Eaties is for sale
Please buy it, so I can eat there. I'll love you forever.
It's probably one of most interesting hangouts in Asheville right now, and I don't want it to go away. Also one of your only opportunities to eat cereal in public. And confront the big bowl challenge.
They had plans for 'take out', but I always wondered if they would ever deliver. You might have to be the laziest person ever to get cereal delivered. I would love to be the cereal delivery girl. And not having to pour your own cereal and milk would be an amazing indicator of luxury. "I'm so rich I pay people to pour my cereal." Now if only I can institute a Louis XIV system where it is an honor to serve me cereal.
I might have 20 Grand after I'm done in Korea. But I doubt Eaties will still be on the market by then.
Keep up the good work.
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