Generation Kill is a new HBO series based on a book of the same name written by a journalist Evan Wright who was embedded with the Marine's 1st Reconnaissance Battalion at the start of the Iraq war. When I first heard about this series, I thought it would be trying to show the worse. Then, I saw a 'making of' clip, that made me decide that Generation Kill was worth watching. 3 Marines were involved in the production of the series, Staff Sgt. Eric Kocher as Head Technical Advisor, Cpl. Jeff Carisalez as a mechanic and actor, and Sgt. Rudy Reyes acting as himself.
Watching the series, I was highly impressed. The problems and humor that arise from it remind me so much of my husband and his buddies. Fixing and engine in over 100 degree weather, and being reprimanded for your shirt tail being untucked. Facing a war, and getting a briefing about appearance standards, including mustache regulations.
Generation Kill doesn't show just the good or bad, it does a good a job as any show could of showing the reality. Though, now I'll have to pick up the book.
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